Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Inter-agents communication. A little bit of architecture...

Here is how work the communication between the application gvsigMobile and the application OpenMobileIS.
As you know, both of these could works in the same instance, but also in differents instances of JVM. In fact, the licence on both projects are not the same and GvSIGMobile don't allow commercial licence. To land that, Tellus propose a system of communication inter-applications, based on SOAP.

Both part have a webserver, and communicate throught that way. (so an HTTP layer transport)

ComServices are implemented on each side to do/request some actions on the application.
ou can make your proper comService.

To illustrate the path of a SOAP gvsiG request on the BD of OpenMobileIS application. And the answer.

The link between object BD on OpenMIS and geoDatas on gvSIG pass by a common ID...

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