Friday, July 31, 2009


For your information, I couldn't be present on the project during the next two months because of holidays.
In fact I'll go in China to train... Kung-fu!
So bye and see you in 2 months...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another blog for Tellus project!

As you know Tellus is a synergy between GvSIGMobile's project and OpenMobileIS's project.
It's a big project grouping many components : Communication inter-agents (based on SOAP), Bittorrent integration, OpenMobileIS datas syncronisazion, Tellus files syncronisazion, ...
In this way Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio (the main developer of GvSIGMobile, From Prodevelop in Valencia - Spain) has proposed us to work with. Juan has got for objective to develop a new way of geographic datas syncronisazion oriented 'features'. But He'll explain this better than me ! You can follow his part on his blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Download an example of a Tellus software

Example of a multiInstance software on PocketPC, Windows Mobile 5 et 6.
-> JVM J9 in there. But to use it, you have the responsability to buy an license. (IBM software)

Here download the example

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tellus forum created on OW2 forge

Forum to developers wanted work with Tellus

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bittorrent syncronisation!!

And now, at least! The bittorrent syncronisation for map layers!!
Avantages :
- management automatic (due to the protocol) of the connection/disconnections. (Don't have to do again the syncronisation from the beginning if it's failed, due to a instable red for example).
- sharing datas (map layers) between all PDA connected to the tracker.
Inconvienents :
- A little bit more long to syncronise as in 'direct mode' when few PDA are connected to the tracker.

Inter-agents communication. A little bit of architecture...

Here is how work the communication between the application gvsigMobile and the application OpenMobileIS.
As you know, both of these could works in the same instance, but also in differents instances of JVM. In fact, the licence on both projects are not the same and GvSIGMobile don't allow commercial licence. To land that, Tellus propose a system of communication inter-applications, based on SOAP.

Both part have a webserver, and communicate throught that way. (so an HTTP layer transport)

ComServices are implemented on each side to do/request some actions on the application.
ou can make your proper comService.

To illustrate the path of a SOAP gvsiG request on the BD of OpenMobileIS application. And the answer.

The link between object BD on OpenMIS and geoDatas on gvSIG pass by a common ID...

Tellus integrated in the same instance of GvSIGMobile

In this example, Tellus is totally integrated to GvsiGMobile.
The idea is to proove that Tellus could be integrated a GvsigMobile (so GPL licence, and no commercial authorized) or not (so LGPL licence for the OpenMobileIS part). When you choose seperated instance to run the both applicaciones, they discut with the protocol of communication SOAP.

Explicaciones de los ejamplos de Tellus (por Juan de Prodevelop)

Aqui puedes ver como fonctionna los ejamplos que estan en el projecto Tellus como demonstracion de lo que possible.

Demo on PDA

Here is an old video to show how could be interactions on PDA.
You can see, that it's sometimesa little slow, due to the limited power of the PDA.

Datas objects DB link to geopoint Datas

This video show the link between DB object of OpenMosbileIS and geopoints Datas of GvsSIG (both on PDA).
The syncronisation implemented allow both users (toto and tata), theirs interventions, and the map (composed by diffrents layers).

Example of applications which can be done with Tellus

The Example part in Tellus, is compose by 3 entites :
  • The gvSIG Demo part on PDA
  • The OpenMIS Demo part on PDA
  • The OpenMIS Demo part on Server
To start, it's recommended to test the configurations and the runnability on Eclipse dev plateform. So first, download an eclipse. Then Download :

And it give us :

For the server part

For the PDA gvSIGMobile part

For the PDA OpenMIS part
GIS software (Geographic Information Software) are very used nowdays especially througt the Internet and its public access, with software as Google Earth or Mappy for example.

The Valencian spain company Prodevelop is a partner of the company Iver which created of the open source Java project gvSIG (software GIS for PC). Prodevelop is a contributor of gvSIG and also in charge of the development of a mobile extension to gvSIG, named gvSIG Mobile.

As you know, OpenMobileIS is especially providing mobile solutions for IS (Information System).
That’s why, the combinaison between the both technologies (link GIS and IS services on mobile tool) are today a strong objective and challenge for the OpenMIS team. It will permit to have a real great interaction bewteen the two type of software and combine their power.

The project which uses OpenMIS and gvSIGMobile is named Tellus, reference to the goddess of Earth in Roman mythology.
Tellus has got three main ways of development :
- A real mecanism of map synchronisation based on the OpenMobileIS synchronisation engine to resolve the differents types of conflicts which could appends. And an optimisation of networks transfers based on the BitTorrent protocol.
- Providing a framework of development to allow interactions and communications between gvSIGMobile and an OpenMIS mobile application.
- Offering a real security for the datas GIS and IS during the synchronisation process and on the mobile tool.

Tellus is today in a R&D phase, and will be terminated (at least for the main points) for this summer (2009)