Monday, May 10, 2010

New POC in preparation

For info, I work today on a new POC with for objectif to mix Juan 's features oriented synchro and mine files oriented synchro.
The idea is to allow POI edition (and in the futur, line and poly) directly in the FODB embedded database and synchronizable with an PostGIS server database (as juan synchro) and allow in the same time a file synchro for basemap (in vecto and raster format).
The idea is to separate the basemap info layers from the idetable layers. The basemap is often very huge and needs to have file synchro oriented (can be bittorent synchro for red-cut management). The features edition synchro is for few datas and could be stock in embedded DB to easily work with.
The POC in the mobile device will mix intervention management, get specific info from features and statement as GPS for example.

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